親愛的會員們: 99.08.27
理事長的好朋友Ruth Powers 將要在美國舉辦個展囉!
Ruth Powers 誠意的邀請台灣的拼布作家們到場分享!
Ruth Powers 即將在美國堪薩斯州的Topeka Art Guild Gallery舉辦個展。
展覽時間由9月1號至17號,星期三到星期六,時間:11:00AM至5:00PM,9月3日,下午5點至晚上8點,Ruth Powers本人會出席星期五藝術漫步招待會( Friday Art Walk Reception),也會在9月1日及9月15日,早上11點至下午2點,親自去會場。
Excellent works of American Art Quilter Ruth Powers will be on display from September 1-17 at Topeka Art Guild Galley. She will be there on the 1st and the 15th from 11-2 and during the Friday Art Walk Reception from 5-8pm on the 3rd.